
Sexuality & Family

The second pillar of a decent society is the institution of the family, which is built upon the comprehensive sexual union of man and woman. No other institution can top the family’s ability to transmit what is pivotal—character formation, values, virtues, and enduring love—to each new generation.

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A reply to NYU Law Professor Kenji Yoshino’s second critique of “What is Marriage?”
A response to FamilyScholars Blogger Barry Deutsch.
A response to Northwestern Law Professor Andrew Koppelman.
Moral principles should be derived from experience about what makes people happy, not from logic.
Kant was right: we need principles to guide our judgments.
A response to NYU Law Professor Kenji Yoshino.
What's unnatural about the Kantian take on natural law.
Responding to a review of his most recent book, Hadley Arkes asks some questions about the nature of natural law.
It is difficult to speak up and defend certain unpopular truths on today’s college campuses. But it is also urgently needed and greatly rewarding.
To stimulate job creation, Democrats favor government spending and Republicans favor tax cuts, but is there a more direct way?
The practice of socially responsible investing, often associated with opposition to apartheid or support for environmental causes, can also be a way to battle the harms of pornography.
Custom and tradition, far from being necessarily irrational, are often the vehicles of guiding and binding reason.
The Obama Administration has chosen to place political considerations over a proper defense of the Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell law.
Americans appear to accept same-sex marriage more than they really do, perhaps because they believe it to be more widely accepted than it really is.
Re-examining the essential characteristics of marriage.
Even same-sex marriage advocates should recognize the bad logic in the ruling overturning Proposition 8.
The latest decision from our judicial overlords on same-sex marriage spells trouble for republican constitutionalism and the institution of marriage.
Another reason the analogy between same-sex marriage and interracial marriage fails.
The fiftieth anniversary of oral contraceptives is a reminder of all the things the Pill lets us forget.
We should prefer natural law thinking to utilitarianism -- here's why.
Promoting a sexually permissive pop-culture in the Muslim world gets the true foundations of ordered liberty wrong. In defining our ideals by rejecting our enemy’s, we go from one extreme to another, and miss the virtuous mean.
Last week at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., the Witherspoon Institute reported a set of scholarly findings and recommendations on the social costs of pornography.
Both Marc Thiessen and his critics have misunderstood an important moral distinction on the question of torture.

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