
Sexuality & Family

The second pillar of a decent society is the institution of the family, which is built upon the comprehensive sexual union of man and woman. No other institution can top the family’s ability to transmit what is pivotal—character formation, values, virtues, and enduring love—to each new generation.

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Let the sexual revolution be justified on the grounds of the common good.
Defenders of conjugal marriage must be careful to not obscure the true nature of marriage—and the state’s true interest in promoting it.
There is an intrinsic link between marriage and procreation, but this does not mean that infertile couples cannot really be married.
Marriage is fundamentally a pre-political institution.
Aristotelian virtue ethics has very little to say about what is a good political structure or economic system.
Alasdair MacIntyre may be wrong about the details of finance, but he is right on the largest questions of political economy.
John Locke’s philosophy gives no support to those who would seek to endorse same-sex civil marriage.
Dispelling the sexual myths of America’s emerging adults.
President Obama has dropped the defense of marriage out of political convenience rather than reasonable opposition.
A historian looks at how one man sought to serve both truth and love.
What exceptionless moral norms are we willing to discard for the sake of a good cause?
All lying is immoral, but not all false utterances are lies.
Wrapping up an exchange on judgment and morality.
The American sex trade—strip clubs, prostitution, and the booming pornography business—feeds on and fuels modern-day slavery.
On the dualism of degrading desire.
Defenders of marriage should draw hope and courage from the pro-life movement’s success.
Speaking out requires humility as well as courage.
Announcing the preview of a new online resource from the Witherspoon Institute
Whether the case involves pornography or genocide, there are times when authorities must intervene to protect human interests.
A reply to Northwestern Law Professor Andrew Koppelman's second critique of "What is Marriage?"
What’s wrong with a prominent professor’s incestuous relationship with his daughter.
A reply to NYU Law Professor Kenji Yoshino’s second critique of “What is Marriage?”
A response to FamilyScholars Blogger Barry Deutsch.
A response to Northwestern Law Professor Andrew Koppelman.

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