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In charting our future monetary policies, we should remember the trade-offs of competing alternatives.
Recent events suggest that Commonweal and Timothy Jost need to reassess their arguments about health care and abortion
The new health care law has endangered longstanding protections on conscience. We must act to address them or risk creating a dangerous precedent.
Under the new health-care law, pro-lifers may have to accept inferior health plans, rather than wrongly pay into abortion providing ones.
Are market economies friends or foes of the environment?
More on the red-state blue-state abortion debate: a response to Koppelman, Carbone, and Cahn
Our failure to engage in substantive political debate can tempt us to write our opponents out of the political community.
The fiftieth anniversary of oral contraceptives is a reminder of all the things the Pill lets us forget.
The recent SEC scandal reminds us of the prevalence of pornography. Steve Jobs’ decision to ban pornography on the iPhone might provide a way forward.
Can Thomistic art theory provide an alternative to postmodern “Neutralism”?
Illegal immigration is a national problem, but Arizona’s solution is not the answer. We need to secure our borders, allow a more generous pathway to citizenship, and create a guest worker program.
Sometimes a defense of shared liberal values can become the partisan promotion of one of liberalism's strands.
In a first-time feature, the editors of Public Discourse respond to the editors of Commonweal.
We should prefer natural law thinking to utilitarianism -- here's why.
Biological reductionism doesn’t disprove the notion of free will.
The nature of children’s education matters to jihadists. It should matter to us, too.
Last week at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., the Witherspoon Institute reported a set of scholarly findings and recommendations on the social costs of pornography.
Much of our moral confusion comes from our failure to find a replacement for the Judaeo-Christian outlook that once animated the West. We need, and generally now lack, a philosophical understanding of human life.
A recent series by James Matthew Wilson highlights the connection between conservatism and beauty.
Robert C. Koons replies to a letter concerning his recent article, "What Will Replace Behemoth State University?"
The problem with scientism is that it is either self-defeating or trivially true. F.A. Hayek helps us to see why. The first article in a two-part series.
New technological developments and pressing national needs suggest that the future of higher education may be one friendlier to the classical tradition of liberal education.
Critics of home-schooling need to be tutored about the nature of education and the family.