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Search Results for: oil – Page 17

Those who complain about illegal immigration are still morally complicit in the problem: they gladly take advantage of cheaper prices made possible by undocumented workers.
Machiavelli’s advice to princes holds important lessons for Mitt Romney if he is elected president.
Even if the marriage plot has dissolved, the human drama remains. It just resurfaces in a different context.
The electorate will often forgive—and can even embrace—a clean conversion story, where a politician honestly changes his mind and admits to it. But on marriage, such a story should not be available for the President, who was either alarmingly befuddled for several years or merely lying.
Jeffrey Eugenides shows what happens to the novel when courtship and marriage lose their binding character.
The primary business of the state is justice. Because children cannot be autonomous, adult society has an obligation in justice to provide institutional structures that protect their most basic interests.
The negative side-effects of contraception are often ignored in our public discourse, but a truly free decision to use or not use them—and whether to use government to promote them—depends on a frank acknowledgement of their costs along with their alleged benefits.
Conservatism is misguided, arbitrary, inconsistent, and ultimately inimical to liberty and human flourishing. Libertarianism allows for human flourishing and harmony from respect and cooperation.
Unless we ask the “what” and “why” in ethical debate, we aren’t doing ethics. Debating ethics requires intellectual conversion and thus a commitment to intelligible reality.
The authentic story of modernism is not one of continuity and emulation, but of violent rupture and hostility to tradition. Art should be oriented toward beauty.
Meet the academics who try to redefine pedophilia as “intergenerational intimacy.”
If one doubts America’s high authority to undertake war for the sake of ideals, one must also question its high authority to administer the death penalty.
In Randall Kennedy’s new book on the dimensions of race in American politics, Kennedy abandons his usual level-headed analysis for a partisan, and misguided, look at American progressivism and conservatism.
People of faith must reclaim their religious freedom, granted by the Creator and protected by the Constitution.
The conditions that inspired "The Scarlet Letter" highlight the gap between public employment and civic motives.
Where unjust political regimes have been destroyed, a power vacuum enables corruption and undermines the state’s security. To prevent corrupting forces from abusing the state’s vulnerability in its transition period, intervening powers should enable strong law enforcement systems.
An upcoming Supreme Court decision might give government, rather than religious organizations, the final say on who counts as a religious minister.
Pure scientism is insufficient as a basis for criminal justice.
New Jersey’s new anti-bullying legislation is misguided and unrealistic, seeking to eliminate conflict rather than resolve it.
At a time when the Arab world is ripe for change, our next president must understand the strategic potential of American credibility, constitutionalism, and communication in the promotion of democracy abroad.
Introducing a Public Discourse symposium on the 2012 election.
The frequency with which terrorists are found with pornography raises important questions about the possible effects of pornography on our national security.
By the year 2020, the Islamic nations of the Mediterranean Basin will resound with positive cries for democracy, human rights, individual liberty, and the dignity of every man, woman, and child.
The body has a language of its own, and the sexual revolution is founded upon a lie.