
Business & Economics

The fifth pillar, business and economics, is built upon concern for the common good and the ways in which the economic order contributes to—or detracts from—human flourishing. Public Discourse examines the ways in which the market is shaped by—and gives shape to—our understanding of the human person, the role of the family, the rule of law, and education and culture.

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We must look beyond trust and greed and instead discover thrift. A response to Harold James.
Kevin Jackson calls for moral cooperation instead of government regulation. A response to Harold James.
The current financial crisis may provide an opportunity to build stronger families and communities.
Beginning in the time of Aristotle and leading up to the current financial crisis, greed and trust have played important yet shifting roles in the structure of the world's economies. One of the reasons we face the current crisis is our failure to deal with either properly.

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