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Fertility-awareness based methods of family planning are not only safe, economical, and effective. They also empower women and couples to understand, respect, and work with their bodies.
Recent scientific advances, popular opinion, and universal moral standards agree: abortion should not be allowed to stop a child’s beating heart.
Capitalism enables equalities of participation that would not otherwise be possible, even as it facilitates inequalities of wealth.
A new study demonstrates that human embryos autonomously direct their own development from the very earliest moments of life—even when they are not in their mothers’ wombs.
Samuel Gregg’s new book makes it clear that the fundamental purpose of finance, as of all civic practices and institutions, is the good of human beings.
What would happen if a justice with the judicial philosophy and record of Justice Ginsburg were to replace Justice Scalia on the Court?
A playbook exists for reversing the slide toward death on demand. It’s time to use Compassion & Choices’ tactics against it.
Despite arguments to the contrary, pro-lifers simply cannot support federal funding for Planned Parenthood. If the price for a seat at the public justice table is taxpayer funding for the nation’s leading abortion provider, it may be time to think about another table.
A recent collection of essays on the nature and function of poetry gives a clear-sighted critique of the failures of contemporary poetry.
No American should be forced to violate his or her moral and religious beliefs, especially when it comes to morally fraught issues in health care.
Though the sexual revolution’s stock is still rising, at the end of the day, this great adventure is going to end right back where it started: in classical sexual restrictions.
Both the majority opinion in last summer's same-sex marriage case and recent public statements point to a troubling lack of coherence in Justice Anthony Kennedy's thinking.
The American Dream is in crisis because the American family is in crisis. We must commit to a national—not purely governmental—effort to promote strong families.
We hear endlessly of “change” and “reform” in China, and the United States has premised its policies on these promises. The memoirs of Chen Guangcheng paint a very different portrait.
The Eighth Circuit Court has created the opportunity for religious freedom to win again in the Supreme Court. But it is Judge Daniel Manion of the Seventh Circuit Court who supplies the arguments that should triumph, for everyone’s freedom.
Thomists don’t believe that animals go to heaven, but not for the reasons that David Bentley Hart seems to think. Unlike human beings, non-human animals are entirely corporeal creatures—all matter and no spirit.
The effort by pro-euthanasia group Compassion & Choices to use Brittany Maynard’s story to push physician-assisted suicide is part of a larger strategy. When talking about end-of-life issues, a strategically crafted frame points to only one logical conclusion: I’d rather be dead.
To love our children well, we must equip them with a strong education in the sciences as well as the liberal arts.
College students, like everyone else, want to be happy. Educators should help them ground this desire for happiness in acts of virtue.
The right to religious freedom is for everyone, not just those with the “right” beliefs.
According to the structure of the Court’s logic, all objecting employers should receive the same religious freedom protection given to churches and religious orders.
Yesterday’s decision demonstrates that the Supreme Court understands what Congress set out to do when it passed the Religious Freedom Restoration Act. Religious freedom is for all, regardless of the popularity of the belief. Congress, in passing RFRA, has said that if the belief can be accommodated, then it must be.
It’s time to realize that ACOG’s priority is not medical fact but thwarting protection for the unborn.
The Supreme Court of the Philippines recently overturned components of that country’s “reproductive health” bill. What can the US pro-life movement learn from this ruling?