Joyous Surrender: A Rhapsody in Red (and Green)
Christmas isn’t tasteful, isn’t simple, isn’t clean, isn’t elegant. Give me the tacky and the exuberant and the wild, to represent the impossibly boisterous fact that God has intruded in this world.
Christmas and Western Civilization
Though Christmas is a religious holiday, secularists should appreciate its great contribution to Western Civilization: the lesson that all men are equal in their fundamental human dignity.
Diagnosing Our American Illness
The irony of Obama’s presidency, with its ambitious calls for “hope” and “change,” is that circumstances have assigned him the duty of presiding over the last days of the old regime. Our postwar political order, it seems, has sown the seeds of its own dissolution.
Europe, Multiculturalism, and Nihilism
Europe can only emerge from its downward spiral by putting religious faith and respect for history and tradition at the center of our communal and personal lives.
What is the Actual US Divorce Rate and Risk?
It is important that those who care about the state of the family have a realistic view of its strengths and weaknesses. Considered carefully and understood properly, statistics about divorce can offer us one important part of that picture.
Our Great Sexual Adventure: Where Does It End?
Though the sexual revolution’s stock is still rising, at the end of the day, this great adventure is going to end right back where it started: in classical sexual restrictions.
Donald Trump: At Home in Postmodern America
Donald Trump is not a conservative—he’s a reality TV star thoroughly in tune with the passions and dynamics of mass publicity and social media. No matter how much he denounces them, he’s still a product of victim-based identity politics.
Infinite Wallace: Tragedy, Comedy, and Faith in the Life of David Foster Wallace
Perhaps the greatest tragedy of Wallace’s life is that—for all his brilliance—he could never fill the dry void in his life with the waters of meaning.
Christians, Capitalism, and Culture: A Response to David Bentley Hart
Instead of engaging in sweeping condemnations of contemporary capitalism, those concerned about the present state of Western culture should focus upon the theological and philosophical errors shaping our time.
Corporations are People, Too
The contemporary left’s extreme anti-corporation position is hostile to the traditional legal culture of American liberty, which advances the common good by protecting the rights of both individuals and formally organized groups of people.
Collateral Damage: Same-Sex Marriage, Private Religious Schools, and Parental Rights
Same-sex marriage endangers not only religious liberty, but also the school choice movement. We need new laws to protect schools from being forced to adopt sexual orientation nondiscrimination policies in order to be eligible for voucher, tax credit/deduction, or educational savings account programs.
Toward Plural Marriage: Understanding and Countering the Liberal Wringer
Anyone interested in defending marriage and family life must first expose the built-in biases and hidden moral teaching within the contemporary liberal perspective.
No Room for Sanity at the Inn: Stifling Democratic Debate over Same-Sex Marriage
Democracy and common sense teach us to seek the truth by listening to one another. If we will not even provide a room for people who want to talk with one another because we do not like what they say, then democracy is impossible.
Justice Kennedy, Henry David Thoreau, and the Children of Gays and Lesbians
Both the majority opinion in last summer’s same-sex marriage case and recent public statements point to a troubling lack of coherence in Justice Anthony Kennedy’s thinking.
On Human Sexuality, Conservative Victory is Inevitable
The emotional and physical devastation produced by the collapse of familial bonds may take decades to fully manifest itself. Once it does, the essential human need for restrictions on sexuality will again become clear.
Crybullies Aren’t Just for College: On Corporations and LGBTQ Political Correctness
Calls for “Safe Spaces” on campus don’t just threaten the future of academia. The same mindset seeks to silence dissent and respectful disagreement in business as well.