
Education & Culture

The fourth pillar, education and culture, is built upon the recognition of two essential realities. First, the Western intellectual tradition requires a dedication to and desire for truth. Second, education takes place not only within colleges and universities but within our broader culture, whose institutions and practices form us as whole persons.

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Marital love implies dependence on another instead of autonomy, and it shows that certain goods (sex and procreation, love and marriage, marriage and parenthood) are connected. We must recover the language of self-giving. The second in a two-part series.
The logic of contract and the movement to conquer nature have resulted in the triumph of autonomy and demise of the family. The first of a two-part series.
An exploration of how war affects people, and what it does to their natural moral instincts. The second in a two-part series.
An exploration of how war affects people, and what it does to their natural moral instincts. The first in a two-part series.
Rather than trying to escape our bodies, we should see that our bodies make union with another possible.
The requirements of natural reason in the pursuit of goods provide a more adequate starting point for moral reflection than the theological considerations in which moral reflection should come to its fruition.
Only an ethics rooted in the divinely revealed truth of creation-as-gift and creator-as-love can coherently and adequately make sense of the universal experience of ought.
The feds are working behind the scenes to nationalize K-12 curriculum, including a national test. This would be bad for schools, and disastrous for the culture.
The King & Spalding skedaddle is a blow to the institutional integrity of our legal system. Intimidation is now the default tactic of same-sex marriage advocates.
Cohabitation does not serve the “best interest” of children, regardless of what the courts say.
Let the sexual revolution be justified on the grounds of the common good.
Augustine, Aquinas, and Alexandria offer forgotten ideals regarding what learning is and the scale at which it flourishes.
We live in days of distraction.
An anti-bullying program’s political slant leads one mother to reflect on the real meaning of diversity and dignity.
Dispelling the sexual myths of America’s emerging adults.
A historian looks at how one man sought to serve both truth and love.
What exceptionless moral norms are we willing to discard for the sake of a good cause?
The Live Action case is very different from the Nazis-at-the-door problem, but lying is justified in neither situation.
All lying is immoral, but not all false utterances are lies.
Not everything need be seen as ideological.
Lying, even for laudable reasons, is wrong.
Is lying ever justified?
The pro-life cause must be advanced by truth and by love, and it must be willing to engage in self-criticism when it fails to meet its own exacting standards.
An appreciation for the naturalness of form can lead us back from the politicization of poetry.

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