
The Cities of God and Man: Archbishop Chaput’s Advice for Catholics in an Apostate Age

Archbishop Chaput has produced an able and perceptive response to some of the most urgent questions besetting American Catholics today.
Anthony Esolen’s new book offers a bracing diagnosis and prescription for contemporary American culture.
Our interest in the Olympic Games can teach us something about the goodness of playing, and watching, sports.
Administrators and faculty are quick to appeal to and develop programs around “diversity.” But what is diversity? It is neither a virtue, nor a basic good, nor even a generally positive descriptor. The commitment to diversity at many universities requires more scrutiny than it is typically given.
Notre Dame’s acceptance of the same-sex marriage movement’s rhetorical paradigm has made our nation’s flagship Catholic institution impotent. Yet there is an opportunity for the Notre Dame community to model ways to promote the good amid the crumbling ruins of institutional integrity.
The University of Notre Dame is unwilling to bear an “uncompromising witness,” as Pope Francis challenged it to do, to the moral truths of marriage and sexuality. This is a subtle but certain pastoral failure on the university’s part.
National Coming Out Day’s emphasis on “celebrating” students’ self-identification as LGBT undermines Notre Dame’s pastoral responsibility to help students develop an integrated sexual identity and a true understanding of human dignity.