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Search Results for: founders – Page 16

Candidates in the 2012 presidential race should champion two principles for reviving America’s economy: the Adam Smith principle for limiting government and the subsidiarity principle for regulating government intervention.
Introducing a Public Discourse symposium on the 2012 election.
America’s laws and institutions come from a moral worldview shaped by Christian belief. They depend not on where her people came from, but on what they are willing to sacrifice to keep the experiment alive. Adapted from a keynote address delivered to the national gathering of CALL (Catholic Association of Latino Leaders).
The balanced budget amendment would rob the federal government of an essential power.
America has an obligation to look after its own interests.
We are still reckoning with the legacy of Roe’s fraudulent jurisprudence.
Announcing the preview of a new online resource from the Witherspoon Institute
A new book by Hadley Arkes draws attention to the contradictions and ambiguities of the republic’s jurisprudence.
Faced with an increasingly democratic political system, American elites have turned to the courts as an alternate means of enacting their political and constitutional agenda.
In an address delivered today before the Religion Newswriters Association, Archbishop Charles J. Chaput of Denver commended America's journalists of religion and challenged them to approach their important work with integrity, fairness, and humility.
We must oppose violent extremists in part by promoting freedom of religion, both at home and abroad. Part two of two.
The controversy over the so-called “Ground Zero mosque” cannot be understood apart from the history of other communities and their struggles to overcome religious intolerance. And no one should exploit such fears for quick partisan gain.
We shouldn’t worry about America becoming an empire—a new book explains that it has been one for a long, long time.
Attempts to promote judicial restraint have failed to rein in a judiciary run amok. Is it time to consider more drastic measures?
An adapted commencement address arguing that traditional building provides us with a durable and beautiful built environment, which in turn provides the best physical and spatial context for the inventiveness and daring that modern life demands.
Promoting a sexually permissive pop-culture in the Muslim world gets the true foundations of ordered liberty wrong. In defining our ideals by rejecting our enemy’s, we go from one extreme to another, and miss the virtuous mean.
As we celebrate the 200th anniversary of Charles Darwin’s birth and the 150th anniversary of the publication of On the Origin of the Species, it is time to realize that the best way to honor his legacy is to fight its over-extension and misapplication into the realm of politics. The second in a two-part series.
As we celebrate the 200th anniversary of Charles Darwin’s birth and the 150th anniversary of the publication of On the Origin of Species, it is time to realize that the best way to honor his legacy is to fight its overextension and misapplication into the realm of politics. The first in a two-part series.
In the wake of the financial crisis, market reform will require moral reform.
Higher education exposes ingratiating talk as the counterfeit of teaching; rote learning as the counterfeit of thought; mere opinion as the counterfeit of judgment; enthusiasm as the counterfeit of principle.
Despite the financial crisis, markets deserve a spirited public defense that acknowledges both their virtues and limits.
In an address delivered on October 17, Archbishop Charles J. Chaput stated that ''Prof. Douglas Kmiec has a strong record of service to the Church and the nation in his past. But I think his activism for Senator Barack Obama, and the work of Democratic-friendly groups like Catholics United and Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good, have done a disservice to the Church, confused the natural priorities of Catholic social teaching, undermined the progress pro-lifers have made, and provided an excuse for some Catholics to abandon the abortion issue instead of fighting within their parties and at the ballot box to protect the unborn.''