New York Courts Rule Against “Aid in Dying” and Warn of Its Dangers
The New York Court of Appeals has dealt a resounding blow to the state’s assisted suicide lobby.
An Introduction to CanaVox: What We (Invite You to) Cheer For
Have you heard of CanaVox? Find out what we’re all about!
Gift-Motherhood, the Prius, and the Peace Corps: Reducing Abortion by Incentivizing Adoption
Making adoption more viable by providing economic incentives and social support is pro-life without being anti-choice, and it is a cause that could be embraced by liberals as well as conservatives. The second in a two-part series.
A Path to Détente in the War over Abortion
How can we make it more attractive, and more beneficial to everyone, for women facing unwanted pregnancy to choose to carry their babies to term? The first in a two-part series.
Surrogacy Reaches the Supreme Court
Surrogacy is out of control in the United States. All those who care about justice, the Constitution, and human rights must fervently hope that the Supreme Court will decide to hear this case.
Socratic Reason, Free Speech, and White Supremacists
Pretending that our government is neutral actually undermines our rights, since a government that enforces manmade “rights” while denying their basis in reality moves dangerously close to using force without right—the very essence of tyranny.
Minorities in High Office: The Case of the Jewish Justices
A new book by David Dalin tells the fascinating stories of America’s Jewish Supreme Court justices.
First Things and the Market Economy: A Response to R. R. Reno
More than ever, religiously informed conservatives should underscore the importance of market economies for ordered liberty.
Corrupting the Youth? A Response to Reilly
There is no distinctive Catholic political philosophy today, and Robert Reilly’s call to man the battlements of classical liberalism is an attempt to short-circuit the possibility of a real revival of Catholic political thought in America.
No Long-Term Harm? The New Scientific Silence on Child-Adult Sex and the Age of Consent
Two new studies use a small amount of old data to try to undermine the idea that it is abusive or damaging for adults to have sex with minors. Disturbingly, no one seems to be challenging this conclusion.
Richard III and the Machiavellian Madness of Postmodernity
The reasons for Richard’s demise constitute a warning about a deadly Machiavellian madness to which contemporary society is highly susceptible.
The Wisdom of the Neocons
Drawing on the wisdom of the neocons might point us towards a harder, but ultimately more fruitful, approach to our current political problems.
Can We Stop an International Roe v. Wade?
We must act now to protect unborn children not just at home, but around the world.
A Constitutional Administrative State?
All governments must collect taxes, punish criminals, enforce building codes, and license certain professions. The real debate is over how the administrative state acts and under what powers. What would a constitutional administrative state look like today?
The Contagion of Euthanasia and the Corruption of Compassion
The contagion of assisted suicide, once the command “Thou shalt not kill” is set aside, quickly spreads elsewhere. True compassion does not abandon people at their most vulnerable.
The Consuming Self
Americans increasingly identify with our consumption. When combined with political tribalism, the result is the increasing refusal to do business with members of other political or cultural groups. In the end, an identity based on consumption will only consume itself.
The Magnanimous Man: In Remembrance of Michael Cromartie
Michael Cromartie created something—a web of people with a distinctive light infusing their work and relationships—that will persist long after his death.
The American Medical Association vs. Human Nature
The AMA’s Code of Medical Ethics is a cautionary tale of what happens when medical ethics are grounded in social policy and personal intuitions rather than timeless, universal, and immutable moral truths.
Labor, Leisure, and Public Discourse
Labor Day gives us an important opportunity to reflect not only on the meaning of our work but also on how we choose to spend our leisure time.
What? You Think All This Gets Done for Free?
Public Discourse offers readers the opportunity to deepen and broaden their educations, applying solid philosophical principles to the problems that plague our politics and culture.