
Election 2012: Render Unto Ceaser

Public Discourse

Obama’s re-election was not inevitable. He won because he secured the votes he absolutely needed and convinced many others simply not to vote.

Evolution and the Eye Test

Public Discourse

Darwin’s evolutionary theory rests on a problematic premise: Our senses don’t tell us the truth about nature.

The Boy Scouts’ Doomed Compromise

Public Discourse

The Boy Scouts’ new policy allowing openly gay members will fall to aggressive gay rights activists if not first to its own incoherence.

Natural Law and the Economy: A Reply to Miller

Public Discourse

Natural law does not demand capitalism, but we can deduce from natural law that some institutions that are key to market economies are normally just, while practices key to socialist arrangements are usually unjust.

The New Birds and the Bees

Public Discourse

Our language about sexuality is dominated by public health, with its talk of risk, “protection,” health, choice, and rights. In so doing we scoff at babies—the crowning glory of human creativity—and where they come from.

Negligence, Insensitivity, or Murder?

Public Discourse

Kermit Gosnell was not sentenced to life imprisonment for sloppiness, for insensitivity, for bad keepsakes, for a backed up drain, for fleas, or even for making women suffer. He was sentenced to life imprisonment for murdering three babies.

Kermit Gosnell: Epiphany for Birthers?

Public Discourse

It is neither the impossibility of writing clear laws nor our inability to witness abortion that stops us from making it illegal. Instead it is the will to kill for convenience that drives some people to sustain the fiction that human life begins at birth.

Justice and the Marriage Debate

Public Discourse

The just way to settle the marriage debate is to delink from marriage any benefits that apply to any group of people who cohabit and comingle assets, while preserving marriage as a permanent and exclusive union of a man and a woman to provide the optimal setting for raising children.

Kermit Gosnell and the Logic of “Pro-Choice”

Public Discourse

Kermit Gosnell has been the equivalent of the American slave-dealer—someone who has done work rendered absolutely necessary by the twisted laws of his regime, but who has nevertheless been ignored or regarded with unease, and even repulsion, by his fellow citizens.

Gosnell, Law, and Modest First Steps

Public Discourse

The Gosnell case shows us that a society’s laws teach, and if they teach a lesson of injustice they will corrupt its people over time. Indeed, contemporary abortion jurisprudence undermines the very notion of natural rights and constitutional government.

Why Congress Should Support a New Eisenhower Memorial

Public Discourse

The proposed design for the Eisenhower Memorial should be rejected for one that accords with our capital’s classical tradition of architecture and with the nature of monuments themselves—to make a simple, clear statement easily accessible to the public. Adapted from testimony given before the Subcommittee on National Parks, Forests and Public Lands of the House Committee on Natural Resources.

After Beauty

Public Discourse

Just as our culture’s rejection of an essential human nature wreaked havoc on our moral thought, so too our rejection of the concept of form has made our artwork incoherent.

Justice Kennedy’s 40,000 Children

Public Discourse

During oral arguments on Prop 8, Justice Kennedy alluded to the views of children of same-sex couples as if their desires and concerns are identical to and uncritical of their parents’ decisions. But the reality is far more complicated.

Video Keno: Pennsylvania’s Leviathan?

Public Discourse

There is no right to lose oneself in a game of chance for the state’s benefit, and more than that there is no good in it. Video keno contracts liberty and virtue while accelerating the state’s colonization of civil society.