
The Trouble with Solidarity

Calls to unify the fractured Republican Party and reach out to disillusioned Trump voters will never succeed without a comprehensive vision for the future.

Moral Truth and the Ethics of Voting: How Should I Vote?

Voting always requires a weighing of consequences. The paramount question for the conscientious voter in 2016 is, “Which outcome among the feasible alternatives will promote the greatest good or prevent the greatest harm?”

What’s in the Games?

Our interest in the Olympic Games can teach us something about the goodness of playing, and watching, sports.

Religious Liberty Crisis Averted in California

The war is far from over, but a recent battle in California shows that pluralism, religious liberty, and traditional values can be defended where there is a will to mobilize and resist.

Can the Pope Change Catholic Teaching?

Some people hope that Pope Francis will change the Church’s teaching on contraception. He won’t. He couldn’t even if he wanted to—as Church history and Scriptures show. Part two of two.

Why Autonomy Cannot Explain Marriage and Family Life

Radical autonomy does not capture the webs into which we are born, our experiences of deep neediness and equally deep love, our embodied nature, our reaction to tragedies and unforeseen obstacles, or our response to our children once they arrive. Autonomy resists the dependence at the heart of loving relationships.

Homosexuality and Bad Arguments

Historically, the modern liberal position has lacked a robust philosophical argument in favor of homosexual activity. A new book by Chris Meyers attempts to provide one.