
The Troubling Stakes of the Originalism-Living Constitutionalism Debate

Public Discourse

Any defense of constitutional originalism depends on accepting the principles of natural law and natural rights on which the Constitution was founded. Unfortunately, these principles no longer have meaning for most judges, politicians, and ordinary citizens today—which has troubling implications for the future of our republic.

Why Trump Persists

Public Discourse

No amount of lecturing about principles will persuade voters who think that their interests are under assault—and that Trump is the only candidate taking their interests seriously.

Who Knew Honesty Could Work? On Donald Trump and Barton Swaim

Public Discourse

In a political climate saturated with insincerity and cynicism, Donald Trump’s unfiltered candor—however abrasive—seems like a welcome relief. But the problems with our modern political climate begin with our own unrealistic expectation that politicians care about every facet of our daily lives.

Pope Francis, the Zika Virus, and Contraception

Public Discourse

Moral reasons exist for the use of contraceptives to defend against sexual assault, thanks to the principle of double effect—but these reasons do not apply to using contraception because of the Zika virus.

Presidential Elections, Party Establishments, and Demagogues

Public Discourse

The American Founders created a careful system to prevent the election of the power-hungry. Progressive-led changes to the electoral process in the twentieth century, however, make it all too easy for ambitious demagogues to seize control—as first Obama did, and now Trump is doing to far worse ends.

The Collapse of Gender Sanity

Public Discourse

Physiology doesn’t lie: Women are less effective than men at meeting military objectives, and far more likely to be injured in combat. Let’s stop denying reality in a misguided effort toward “equality” and agree that women should not be drafted to combat roles.

Scalia at St. Thomas: Closing Arguments

Public Discourse

A man of deep faith and scintillating reason, Justice Scalia had an extraordinary ability to notice obvious, important truths that many overlooked. His informal remarks a few months before his death give insight into his intellect and character.

Newman and the Idea of the University, 2.0

Public Discourse

Universities are fundamentally different from businesses and cannot be run in the same way, and few executives understand the contemplative and investigative purposes of a Catholic university.

Antonin Scalia: An American Originalist

Public Discourse

With the death of Antonin Gregory Scalia the nation has lost one of its greatest jurists and a man who embodied the principle of fidelity to the Constitution.

The Fundamental Issue for Climate Science

Public Discourse

Today, we face a new epistemological crisis. In the realm of natural phenomena, our desire to know has outstripped our understanding of what it means to know. This has serious implications for assessing the data and statistical models presented by climate science.

A Catechesis for the Tolerant

Public Discourse

By arguing that religion is intolerant and should not be tolerated, a new book inadvertently demonstrates that liberalism grounded in personal autonomy is the least tolerant religion of all.

50 Years of Sex Changes, Mental Disorders, and Too Many Suicides

Public Discourse

Early pioneers in gender-reassignment surgery and recent clinical studies agree that a majority of transgender people suffer from co-occurring psychological disorders, leading tragically high numbers to commit suicide. Outlawing psychotherapy for transgender people may be politically correct, but it shows a reckless disregard for human lives.

What’s Wrong with the Humanities?

Public Discourse

The humanities are declining because too many humanities scholars are alienating students and the public with their opacity, triviality, and irrelevance.