
The Costs of Contraception

Public Discourse

The negative side-effects of contraception are often ignored in our public discourse, but a truly free decision to use or not use them—and whether to use government to promote them—depends on a frank acknowledgement of their costs along with their alleged benefits.

Parental Consent Protects Young Women’s Health

Public Discourse

The Child Interstate Abortion Notification Act (CIANA) isn’t “mean-spirited,” “constitutionally suspect,” or “callous.” It is a popular commonsense proposal that is fully constitutional.

A Guiding Principle Revealed

Public Discourse

The state should never force anyone to perform an action he or she believes to be wrong, unless it has a good reason, not merely to have the action performed, but to insist that even those who find it wrong perform it.

Conservatism or Liberty?

Public Discourse

Conservatism is misguided, arbitrary, inconsistent, and ultimately inimical to liberty and human flourishing. Libertarianism allows for human flourishing and harmony from respect and cooperation.

Why I am Not a Libertarian

Public Discourse

Libertarianism and conservatism are often lumped together, but there are fundamental differences between the two philosophies that make them incompatible.

Why America Needs Social Conservatism

Public Discourse

An America without social conservatism would be stripped of its conservative enlightenment roots and go the way of Europe via entitlements and centralized economic regulation.

The Zero Sum Games

Public Discourse

The totalitarians of this age are not petty thugs. They are intellectuals with a vision, and they will see their vision enacted, no matter who they have to run over, because they are certain it is good for you.

After-Birth Abortion Still Kills People

Public Discourse

Whether we call it infanticide or after-birth abortion, ending the life of newborns kills human beings who are moral persons because they are rational beings.

Originalism and Judicial Restraint

Public Discourse

Originalism must guard against an overconfident reliance on history. Restraint and judicial caution are needed in an age of judicial overreaching.

Vanderbilt’s Right to Despise Christianity

Public Discourse

Vanderbilt University has decided that campus student religious groups may not require that their leaders accept the core beliefs of the religious group they would lead. Ironically, Vanderbilt’s right to do so rests on the same freedom it denies to these groups—a group’s freedom to define what it stands for and the views it expresses.

Grave Evil and Political Responsibility

Public Discourse

Morally responsible, prudent voting seeks to defend the common good to the extent realistically possible, even if that means only preventing further damage to an already highly degraded culture.

Just War and the Iran Crisis

Public Discourse

It would be wrong for the United States to engage at this time in an attack on Iran or to participate substantially in an Israeli action.

When Being Pro-Life Isn’t Enough to Stop Abortion

Public Discourse

The challenge in preventing abortion of Down syndrome fetuses is not convincing mothers that their child is a human being with a right to life, but of assuring expectant mothers there will be support for their children after they are born.